Thursday, May 17, 2012

our weekend on the oregon coast, part 2 of 2

Jane found some markers in the backseat.  

my mother's day card

Tillamook Cheese Factory

The Beach!

notice the little footprints!

swinging with a view

There were TONS of ladybugs crawling in the sand

checking out the tide pools--only very tiny fish and small sea urchins
Jane liked the rocks of course!

My baby fell asleep on me (she hasn't done that in a LONG time)

our sleeping baby (not to worry...I shaded her face after the picture)

Car Ride Home
These photos were taken during the first 30 min, hence the good mood.  Jane was a trooper, even taking a 2 hour car nap.  Poor Janers screamed the last 15 miles.  She had ENOUGH!  

feeding the dog goldfish crackers was so entertaining!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy 14 months to our little artist

Jane is 14 months old today.  She is a true toddler.  By the end of every day, she is covered in marker, chalk, sometimes paint, and a little dirt.  She is very opinionated and loves to tell her mama "no!"  Jane is still a hesitant child, choosing to watch before diving into a new situation.  However, she is a lot more willing to explore or try something new now that she can run away!  

Jane is a super active girl.  Jane's favorite thing to do is draw (sidewalk chalk, markers, and crayons).  Jane also likes to spend time outside--chalk, sand and rock table, park, swing, slide, walk, explore, ect--she is our little nature girl.  When inside, Jane really loves when mom and dad chase her with her pretend shopping cart.  She is starting to get into pretend play.  She likes to cook, feed her animals and dolls, and comfort her dolls.  Jane continues to love books.  She points out specific things in pictures, imitates characters' motions, signs, makes animal sounds, and approximates parts of lines.  It is so fun to read with her!

Jane learns so many new things every day.  She understands so much and comments on everything she sees.    Here is a list of her words, signs, and sounds/motions:

Maaaa (mom)
Daaaa (dad, although he often gets called maaa)
More (muh)
Dog (without the g)

Car (same sign for car, bus, van, truck)
Frog (sometimes)
tree (sometimes)
Markers (we use the sign for draw)
all done

Whale (looks up and blows, as in blow hole)
Crab (pinches her fingers together)
Dog (licks or does her bark)
Cat (meow meow)
pig (snorts)
cow (mmmmm)
Snake (shutters because mama hates snakes)
Elephant (sound)
Chicken (flaps arms)
gorilla (thumps chest)
Crocodile or alligator (claps hands together mama says, “snap snap”)
Lion, tiger, dinosaur (“roar” without two /r/ sounds)
Fire truck, ambulance (siren sound)
Motorcycle (mama says ning ning ning ning, Jane approximates)
Flowers (Jane sniffs)
when hungry, "mmmmmm"
candles/bubbles (jane blows)
"huh?" when looking for something she can't find

Monday, May 14, 2012

our weekend on the oregon coast, part 1

We needed to get out of town for the weekend.  The house situation has me really discouraged.  The weather was forecasted to be beautiful, so we headed to the Oregon Coast.  Jane loved scooping sand, running on the hard sand (she had some difficulty walking on the soft sand), and splashing in the water (it was freezing).  Stay tuned for more photos.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I've been up to lately

Sidewalk Chalking... See all the snakes I drew!  The are my new favorite thing to draw.
Snakes make mom shutter, and I think that's really funny!

Of course, I have been creating lots of masterpieces indoors as well!

See how well I color in the lines (I even selected a purple marker to color the purple fish)!

Playing with my rocks and water table!  Mom and Dad said that the sand was too dirty.  I don't mind, though, because I love rocks!

Looking so cute in all of my spring dresses!

Rocking my big girl shoes!  These shoes grip, so I am FAST!

visiting the animals at the zoo

cooking with mama

going to Starbucks

doing chores (mom says watering the plants and floors)

popping bubbles

feeding myself with a REAL fork